The Christmas Robot
Hip hop dance theater for the whole family
Christmas is just around the corner, also in the high-rise at Emscherstraße 55. But this year everything is different here, because the new caretaker Ülkü Öztürk has just moved in with his daughter Yasemin. The old caretaker Kalle Gutowski is in his well-deserved retirement and has left Ülkü Öztürk with a thick folder with all the tasks he has to do: changing broken lightbulbs, watering flowers in summer, shoveling snow in winter and - the traditional Christmas celebration for all residents: inside to organize!
Ülkü Öztürk is at a loss, because he doesn't have the faintest idea about Christmas: "Yasemin, you're doing it, yallah!" But Yasemin would rather train with her hip-hop crew for a big dance competition. So I quickly pulled out my smartphone and asked the search engine: " Christmas party Help??!!". The algorithms are running hot, finally a search hit: the Christmas robot. One click - and Yasemin has already ordered the Christmas professional...
A hip hop dance theater piece for everyone. For those who celebrate Christmas and those who don't celebrate it. For you and you and me For us!
Tickets can be reserved by calling 0231 982120.