Told by my Mother

Ali Chahrour (Beirut)

I believe that my aunt Fatima did not pass away because of the cancer that consumed her lungs. She withered the moment she lost all hope of finding her missing son »Hassan«. A post-mortem autopsy would have uncovered that her heart was no longer lodged between those motherly ribs. »Told by my mother« is a dance performance anchored in stories intimate and heartfelt. Stories of iconic mothers and their families, some scattered, or disappeared. We tell their stories for memory to survive. Some others remain and live to tell. Their voices take the stage, singing, and retelling what once has been, to save what is left. They dance to survive what remains.

The play is performed in Arabic. With German and English surtitles.

A follow-up discussion with Waseem Alsharqi and Jens Heitjohann will take place on 15 March.

Waseem Alsharqi is a Berlin-based writer and dramaturg, graduated from the Higher Institute of Theatre Arts in Damascus. He works with several collectives of the independent scene in Germany and Sweden.

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